Only what I can recall at this moment:
1. My first encounter : MALAYSIA HALL BRYANSTON
This was the most strategic place one can reside in. Near Oxford Street, easy access to the double deckers and tubes. Shopping haven for some but not for others. Definitely need to buy that I HEART LONDON t-shirt or the one with MY SISTER WENT TO LONDON AND THE ONLY THING SHE BOUGHT ME WAS THIS.
Can someone help me update the new hall, how it feels staying there, accessibility etc.?
I was made to understand that there are FELDA houses/apartments (20 quids per person per night) and Federal Government apartments (less than 40 quids per person per night, and bookings are a year in advance or so) as alternatives. Please, anyone kindly verify this.
2. My first kingdom and palace: BUCKINGHAM
Hyde Park. Changing of Guards (somehow this reminds me of one Mr. Bean's episode). The Golden (Eagle, was it?). The Gates. The sentry. The roundabout. oooppsss how can I forget the 6'4, blonde, blue eyed one in red and black who stole my heart and caged it in the guard post, never returning it to me.
3. My first tube and other experiences: TRANSPORTATION
I HEART TUBES. How many lines now? The only one I remember is Circle. It connects almost 8 of the other lines. There's another one that ends up in Walthamstow. My Cardiffians posse were there for ACCA. Miss you guys, Na, Dalila, Fizzy, Hanim, Yus.
Love the double deckers too. Always opted for the upstairs, magnificent views from the top. I wonder if they are faster now that Ken Livingston successfully installed those gantries/electronic tolling. The last I tried was 7.5 km per hour.
4. My first history lesson : AFTER A HIATUS OF 4 YEARS
London has a loooong history. Norman, Roman, Celtics, Renaissance, Bethan, Georgian, Victorian, Edwardian etc. One could not avoid the skyscapes and skylines which included the rooftops of cathedrals, abbeys, churches and other religions institutions. Westminster's should not be missed. Loads of weddings (very important ones) were held here. If we got a chance to visit one, please don't be too rigid on hukum. Do learn from the serenity, the peace and calm offered by all these god's houses. Against the oppression of the feudal system, many had sought refuge here. By the way, the majority of Brits are Protestants, so theirs are not too elaborated and fancy looking. Humble is rather a word to describe it.
5. My first, second, third, fourth and fifth visits : Cultural and Arts Museum and Trafalga Square.
This is a must visit landmark. I reckon I payed pilgrimage to London on average every year I was in the UK...so about five times.
I remember loads of marble/stone carvings of lions???..Loads of pigeons and "birds"...loads of tourists...fountains.
6. My first OTHERS.
Don't forget Madame Tussaude, Harrods, Piccadily Circus, Elephant and White, Docklands, the Parliament, Big Ben, Tower of London, Bakers Street, etc... and of course the Grand Mosque.
From an urban and regional planning viewpoints, don't forget to dig why they FIRST had the tubes underground....by the way, all these mentioned places are easily reached by less than five minutes walking from the nearest tube exits.
With that I leave you....Wassalam and thank you for reading.
to be continued.....
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